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1. Describe the problems that would result from ordering too much concrete.
If we ordered too much concrete, two things would likely happen. One, we would
have concrete left over that would be time consuming and likely difficult to deal with.
Two, we may accidentally over-pour our forms, causing structural instability and
perhaps coating pieces in concrete that arent supposed to.

1. Describe the problems that would result from ordering too little concrete.
If we ordered too little concrete, we would not only obviously be unable to
completely fill the form, but in addition would encounter problems when the concrete
hardens after we pour it and need to wait to get more concrete.

2. What percentage of the total cost of the pad does the steel rebar account for?
If x is the rebars percentage cost, then
166.4/273=x/100, (16640)/273.12=(273.122x)/273.12, thus x=60.4
3. Why is it important to estimate the cost of construction for a building project?
It is important to estimate in order to limit and budget the project. Budgeting and
planning allows the project to become more efficient and accurate, with no
mistakes occurring because of say, not enough I-beams being bought. In
addition, it will keep things from going over-price, and possibly prevent corruption
by accurately gaging prices.

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