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a University of Sioux Falls Jill Eggleton Institute June 9-12, 2014 ise Description: Jill Eggleton, New Zealand author and educator, will present a four-day institute focusing on the strands of Written Language (reading and writing), Oral Language (speaking and listening) and Visual Language (viewing and presenting). Participants will have practical hands-on experience examining and working through strategies that encourage critical thinking, exploring language and processing information. Many opportunities to practice the literacy strategies will be provided Course Objectives: Objective 1: To identify that the keys to learning are practice, success and enjoyment and when children learn with pleasure they will not forget Objective 2: To demonstrate that teachers and children make literacy/language connections when talking about text and the relevance of these connections to the development of children’s literacy understandings and processes. Objective 3: To enhance student engagement when using these connections in read-aloud, shared reading settings, and teacher/student talks around text. Objective 4: To connect our literacy learning to the Common Core Standards and collaborate with fellow teachers to plan adjustments for literacy teaching ‘Schedule: Day _ Topic Monday | __Introductions/Overview Oral Language Shared Reading Guided Reading ~ Emergent Level Tuesday Guided Reading — Early, Transitional, and Fluent Wednesday Written Language - Writing Spelling Phonics | Thursday Assessment Visual Language The daily schedule starts at 8:30 each day. A 45-minute lunch break will be taken around 11:30. From the time Jill Eggleton finishes the large group presentation until 4:00, participants will be reflecting in small groups. The plan is to meet in job-alike groups during the first two days and

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