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Henali Ramji

Production Log Preliminary Task

During the preliminary process, we all worked together while making this video. However,
while making our video we divided our work into 4 parts as there were 4 of us in the group.
Each person did something they were good at however; we all tried to work on a bit for
everything. For instance, there was the storyboard, script, editing and cameraman. We all
tried to do a bit of each even though we were not experts at it.
During the process, I worked on the script as well as the storyboard and camera. As I didnt
have much experience about Media, I was struggling to get the format of the script right,
therefore I asked the colleagues in my group to help me out as they had a good
understanding of Media. Due to this, I was able to complete the script with the right
conventions. Adding to this, I also worked on getting the format of the storyboard right, as
we use storyboards in other subjects, I was aware of the layout it had to be in. On the other
hand, using the camera to video was quite struggling for me as I didnt have a good
understanding of the way a camera should be used when videoing different shots.
While I was at home, I tried using the camera to video a random scene; this boosted the
confidence level I had with the camera. Furthermore, I also asked questions to my
colleagues about the camera and they provided me with a clear and good understanding of
how to hold the camera steady when videoing.
During this process, I learnt many things. The first thing I learnt was the format and
conventions a script should follow. I did find this tricky at first however I now have a good
knowledge about it. Adding to this, I also learnt how to use a camera for videoing scenes
with different camera angles as well as camera movement and shots, this was a new
technology I encountered during this process. I had also learnt this during my lessons in
class however that was different as that was only taking pictures of objects. In addition to
this, I also learnt that having a storyboard can make it easier for us to video as in the
storyboard it includes the camera angle/ shot that needs to be used.

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