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Henali Ramji

Production Log Mise-en-scene

During week 4, we had learnt about the different aspects of mise-en-scene. At first, I found
it difficult to understand the aspects of mise-en-scene as I didnt really understand what it
meant. However, during that lesson I looked in depth about it and looked for examples as
this helped me to understand the content. The different sub-headings that fall into the
mise-en-scene category is the production design, costume and make-up and the lighting.
During this process, we were told to look at the image provided on the power point and
write brief notes on the different elements of mise-en-scene and how this made the
audience feel. It is very important that the audience is able to understand the meaning of
each and every aspect of mise-en-scene.
In addition to this, the audience is also able to infer the background and personality of the
characters by their costume. This allows them to know the character a bit well which will
make it easier for them to understand the storyline. Another aspect of mise-en-scene is
lighting. The lighting is very important as it can differentiate between the characters
powerfulness and weaknesses. For example, if one of the characters is in dark lighting
compared to the other character in bright lighting, it shows the importance of them. The
last aspect of mise-en-scene that can help an audience understand the genre is the location.
The location is very important as it allows the audience to know where it is located and set
which gives us a clue of what the storyline will be based on.
After practising describing the mise-en-scene aspects in different film openings, I am able to
talk in depth about it which shows my strength during my theory work.

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