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Acute fetal distress following tooth extraction and abscess drainage in a pr

egnant patient with maxillofacial infection.
2. Anxiety and post-traumatic stress symptoms following wisdom tooth removal.
3. Negative pressure pulmonary oedema: a rare complication following general an
4. Evaluation of postoperative discomfort following third molar surgery using s
ubmucosal dexamethasone - a randomized observer blind prospective study.
5. Electrical mallet in implants placed in fresh extraction sockets with simult
aneous osteotome sinus floor elevation.
6. Primary chronic osteomyelitis in the mandible: a conservative approach.
7. Chronic suppurative osteomyelitis of mandible: a case report.
8. Iatrogenic benign paroxysmal positional vertigo: review and personal experie
nce in dental and maxillo-facial surgery
9. Simultaneous options for cleft secondary deformities
10. Maxillary reconstruction to enable implant insertion: a retrospective study
of 181 patients
11. Efficacy of Buprenorphine Added 2 % Lignocaine 1:80000 in Postoperative Anal
gesia After Minor Oral Surgery

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