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In the Dead of Night

Waiting patiently in its cave,

there was the dark.
The sun shone in the forest above,
dancing through the trees and their leaves.
A lake gulped down the light's bright blue.
Then the sun dropped; across the sky, it threw its red.
But even that faded; soon gone was the red.
Now, out of the cave,
seizing the lake's blue,
reached the dark.
It rustled the trees and their leaves,
and took hold of the forest above.
An owl perched on a tree above,
and it swooped through the air, its intent red.
Rustle, did trees leaves,
and the mouse was caught in the owls claws, squirming futilely to escape to its tiny cave.
It was smiled at by the dark,
and carried off into a sky of midnight blue.
The lake that had been drained of its blue,
as had the sky above,
and in the waters dark,
Eyes stare out, gleaming red.
An eel darts out of its cave,
devours a small fish, and leaves.
Under the leaves,
stared the eyes of a fox, glowing blue,
peering into a cave
where a rabbit bounded above.
In a flash, there was spilled red,
and the fox took the rabbit in the dark.
Under the rule of the dark
were the the beasts, the water, the trees, and their leaves;
but the sunrise was signaled by the horizons red.
The sky turned blue;
Then, the dark was forced out of the above,
and into its cave.
With loathing of the red sun, retreated the dark.
It set in its cave. Nothing else would enter in fear of the dark, not even the fearless leaves.
The blue in the sky once again shone above.

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