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{prediction to AUTOCAD: cea clonsuihter (AutoCAD, created by Aysodesk) is the most widely used technical drawériq ptogram ‘wherenfth over 1.25 millon registered users, Autodesk isthe fouth latgest PC software ‘company Inthe world. According to the Autodesk, and fo(Compurer Aided Design (CAD), but cap also stand for Computer Alded Dralting oF Drawing ) (*the first version of AutoCAD came out in 19% ing under DOS. AUIGCAD was the {first Significant CAD Program to run ona desktop computer. At the time most other technical drawieg programs ran on high end workstations or even mainframes. LANIOCAD success has been attr buted tojts famous open architecture. The support of ‘Auto USP a programming language desig eclally for AutoCAD has also been a ‘major factor in making Aut stan seriotis technical drawing. Although AutoCAD is ou a used for-20 designs) It has'a powerful 30, madelling encine that 3D models of buildings or mactine. 30 model Iinroduced over a decade on iri before tt filed Autodesk Modelling an se crend consuming. In D, the 3D modell icomplerely ‘presentation rendefings witless effort. Fe ecaunmreatirti apc perinerae 7 [2:toCAD not only ves You the 20 drafting tolls that you've conte to ube @veryday, Out Ak also provides a robust set of tools for 3D medielling and visualizing the 3D modds ‘yau-can create. ) (Aljisdesk has created a program with unequaled features and capabilities, including 3D -modelingand visvaltzatin access to external databases, intelligent dimensioning, ‘patting ard exporting ofthe fle formats and many more. fesk has developed a virtual corporation which indudes programmers who create di deslaied to work wth AuOCAD, deals who prowde technical support, alin ond courses to oe one milion users cach year. ‘Autodesk has expanded AutoCAD into a whole oraduct fine of programs with AutoCAD ‘asa base and specialized, disctpine-specific add-on bult on top and included as one ‘Fomplete produc. eee eee a SOOO a Autocad Classic’ - Auto esid Ctassic can'bo run under only in 2009 versions on words, Which represents Sceenions up 19 2008. The main diforenet"botwoed the vareioe up to 2008. 8) 2000, 10, 11,12 ifs 2008 verslons contain tool bars. Hut in new versions Siena of tool bare Toon panel has buen introduced. Tn icon panel contin all tho {ol bare which ean be usedin Auto ead. Auto cad 2006" - * {Wihes we open the widow of tho Auto cad 2006 there 8 important tool bars can ‘be appear on whadow. They art! - Drew Legere ‘Modify ‘Bropertios a i ‘Shade ; Standard 4 ‘View 3 ( Unite: - Command “UN” ‘hls command eat the unit the diagram in which we want to draw. ‘Auto ead thére are Bie different types of unite. They are engeee Gk toto’ med 7 e ‘Decimal (is moter, e.m., mm. mila 3 Bngineering (Foote and inchos) a ‘Scientific ‘Arwong these ive units ist three are important, ( Bimits: - Command “LIMITS? =; Ths conmaand i unedto sot the limite of drawing area (2) modeling area. Jaiver left corner limits of the drawing area id (0, 0). eas a. ‘the limita we have to enter Z and A Ecaaid “ LIMMAX” ‘By:using this command directly upper fight corner can be changod. oe ————— ‘Selection Windows: - “Thilé windows are used to eeloct the whole abject ata time, ‘Thare are two types of selection windows in Auto cad. Nommal Window: - ‘Tha window which start from lef to right ‘along with the curser is called normal window. tin blue colour, "To goloct the objéet through this window the whale object should com undor ‘this window ic, from starting point to ending ebould come under the window. ‘onal part ia aloo lasing while solocting the object could not be selected, ‘Gross Window: - ‘The window which starts from right toloft ‘along with cursor is called crosa window. tia in grown eslour. ‘To select the object through this window, a small part ora point of the object is enough to solect whole object. Covordinate System: - Tn thie ayntern we are drawing the objec wart four coordinates ‘To dram the diageame we havo fellow tho following four methods: Absolute Co-ordifiate Method. Relative Cartesian Co-ordinates Method. Relative Polar Co-ordinates Method. ‘Direct Distance Method.. seue In this method we are drawing the objects baséd on @ x, 7 co-ordinate points, ¢ but here we are moving towards next point by making last point as‘. “Thatta nothing but last point is the origin point to next point”, h The last point becoming as origin point due to @ in the co-ordinate value, c |. Binthis method no nee of ctertng every diagram from origin, “ for example: ‘4.0, 0 ()Glitk on screen from where ® we want to start) 4B 13,0) BC Go, oD @-i3,0 DA@o, 8) 2)Relative Cartesian Co-ordinate Method: - @ x, y) | | | Direct Distance Method: Tn this iethod objects can be drawn with direction of line and specified distance. Construction Line Method: - Command “XL” ‘Construction lino is lso named as x line thi line is used to draw the objects by takirig this lines as reference line, ‘This lines extended up to the limite of drawing area, ‘There are few options under construction line command, They are (Hor, Ver, Ang, Bisect and Offset), ‘When we vse command XL we will got horizontal and vertical lines at a time. XL Horizontal) By this we craw only horizontal lines only XLV Wertcal) By this wo can draw only vette hae XL A Ganglu) By thin we can draw angular const. line with spaced age. XL Bisse By thie option vio cam bisect the line, with angular pone XL 0 _(Otset) This option ia used to copy thearline with peed distance valve, Tangent Tangent Tangent: - (Tan Tan Tan) @}rmnitm ‘Tia cirte can be drawn tangent to any three objects 2 | | ‘Step To Use From Command: - +t From ‘Now click on base point from where we want to set the center point ofthe object, Specify offset distance by using relative method (@ 10, 20). ‘Then specify radius or diameter of circle. Draw Tool Bar: - 1) Arc’s:- | Command "A” \| -Arcis apart of circle this can be drawn with the help of3 points, selection of potats | ville the cifferent. There are 1 different Are’ in the at fanly. They ae: 1) 3Point Arc 2) Start, Center, End iS | 3) Start;Center, Angle 4) Start, Center, Length (sem (Ft te 5) Start, End, Angle 8)'Start End, Direction Gece ang | 7) Start, End, Radius FR 8) Genter, Start, End * 9). Center, Start, Angle Saree: TO) Center, Start, Length [st tain | 11) Continue (ee i | Tis continuous arc willstart fiom theending (A, Cee sat ge Point ofthelas drawn ac. Z , 7 ere Sa eg on eC a

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