Short Answer Formula Online

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Short Answer Formula

10 Sentences
675 Character Limit

Sentence 1: L3 Statement

Sentence 2: Topic Sentence

Sentence Stem: In Title (answer the question asked in the prompt).
Sentence 3: L1 Textual Evidence
Sentence Stem: This is evident through (insert textual evidence).
Sentence 4-5: L2 Inferences towards Textual Evidence
Sentence Stem: This reveals (insert L2s)
Sentence 6: L1 Textual Evidence
Sentence Stem: Additionally, this can be portrayed through (insert textual evidence).
Sentence 7-8: L2 Inferences towards Textual Evidence
Sentence Stem: This illustrates (insert L2s)

Sentence 9: L3 Connect (Connect your response to another story)

Sentence Stem: This can be connected to the (text/film) (Inset name of text or film) because (insert

Sentence 10: L3 Statement

Sentence Stem: In essence, (insert your first L3 statement restated)

__________L3 Statement_________. In Title of Text______________________________________. This is evident
through insert textual evidence. This reveals (insert L2)_______________________. _____________L2_________
________________. Additionally, this can be portrayed through (insert textual evidence). This illustrates (insert
L2) ____________________________________________.________________L2____________________________.
This can be connected to the (text/film) (Insert name of text or film) because (insert connection)______________.
In essence, (insert 1st L3 statement restated)_______________________________________________________.

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