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Jorden Robichaux

Vocabulary Sentences #1
Plot: The Plot of the book To Kill a Mocking Bird is about a lawyer named Atticus is defending
a man who is accused of raping a white woman and Atticus and his family has to deal with the
changes and discrimination of the people.
Exposition: The Exposition of To Kill A Mockingbird. The novel introduces scout, Atticuss
daughter who doesnt really understand the world of how it really is. The exposition also
introduces the mystery of Boo Radley.
Rising Action: The rising action in TKAM is when Atticus is given the trial of Tom Robinson
who is accused of raping Mayella Ewell.
Climax: The Climax of TKAM is when the trial ends and Tom Robinson is put in prison, but the
evidence of him raping Mayella is not enough to put him in jail. He was still put in jail for his
skin color.
Falling Action: The Falling action of TKAM is when Tom Robinson is shot multiple times
because he tried to run away while he was being taken to jail. Atticus goes to Toms Family and
lets them know what happened to tom. Bob Ewell which is Mayellas dad comes to the Robinson
Residents and spits on Atticuss face. But Atticus did not engage in contact with Bob, and left.
Resolution: The Resolution of TKAM is that Bob Ewell is killed by Falling on a knife. But Boo
Radley is actually the one who killed him, but Atticus does not tell on Boo because I felt the Bob
got what he deserved. And they never saw Boo again.
Setting: The story of TKAM takes place in Maycomb County Georgia
Conflict: The Conflict in TKAM is between Atticus and Boo Radley because they have the most
altercations in the novel

Jorden Robichaux

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