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Depending on the context of the swear words that you say,

you are hypocritical and change your mind each day.
Now you’ve turned your nose up, and you judge me if I swear
if someone did the same to you, would you think that was fair?
You don’t know I can see your face, your eyes dash to the side
I know you are judgemental, and definitely snide.
Before you’ve heard the rest of what I say, and how I mean
you’ve jumped to your conclusions, but the end you haven’t seen.

I know you are a hypocrite, I’m sure that you do swear

if you’re angry you must say ‘Fuck you’, and do not care.
Yet I can well imagine, that you find it hard to say
‘Let’s fuck’, and ‘Can I fuck you’ as they’re meant a different way.
You’re probably quite censored, and you live in self-repression
you wouldn’t tell somebody what you mean, you’d keep them guessing.
So when you see that I am free, to say just what I choose
you’re jealous and annoyed, that I have guts and I’m no prude.
Perhaps you’ll take a lesson from the honesty in me,
instead of hating what I say, you should learn to be free.


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