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English 202: Composition and Literature

Reading Comprehension Questions:

The following questions are designed to help you focus your attention when reading and
studying. Note: do not answer these as written exercise unless otherwise directed. These
questions are not comprehensive; therefore, you should be pursuing and developing other
Le Morte DArthur
1. What features of Arthurs birth does Malory stress? What stands out to you?
2. What childhood and adolescent experiences shape Arthur?
3. What is Arthur like as a young king? What tasks does he accomplish? How does
Malory represent him? What images seem most striking?
4. What characters does Malory use in comparison with Arthur? What traits do those
comparative characters display?
5. How does Malory shape Arthurs masculinity? What elements beyond action help to
shape Arthurs masculinity?
6. How does Arthur interact with Guinevere? What constitutes their relationship?
7. How does Malory represent Guinevere?
8. What relationship does Arthur have with Lancelot? How does it change over the course
of the text?
9. How does Malory represent Mordred? Gawain? Kay? How do these representations alter
our understanding of Arthur?
10. Why does Malory write this Arthurian tale in this way? What were his goals?
11. How does the story end and why does it end in this fashion? Is the ending satisfying? If
not, why not?
12. Who is responsible for the fall of the Round Table?

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