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I have checked that ALL my proper nouns, titles, names, etc are capitalized correctly.
--Hotel Rwanda
--Titles of books should be in italics
--Titles of poems and songs should be in quotation marks
Every sentence begins with a capital letter and ends with a period.
Sentences that are questions, end with a ?
I have pushed myself to use strong words (diction) and details throughout the paper; I
havent just settled for so so.
I have capitalized Northview High School each time I use it. If I am just referring to high
school in general (not the specific name of my high school), then it is NOT capitalized.
I have removed contractions (theyre, were, its) from my paper and replaced them with
formal writing (They are, we are, it is)
I have checked that my verb tense is consistent throughout the paperit is either all
present tense or all past tense.
I have checked that I have capitalized I when discussing myself in every case.
I have checked that I have thoroughly and thoughtfully answered EVERY single question
on the Purpose Statement assignment with at least 2-3 sentences about EACH bullet
I have a title that appropriately previews my paper. My title is properly centered and is
also 12 point font with no underlines or quotation marks.
I have a full-heading on my paper following MLA guidelines.
I have properly paginated pages in the upper right corner of the paper.
My paper is in 12 point Times New Roman font and is double spaced.
I have read my paper at least 2 times aloud to myself to ensure flow and fluency and that
all my sentences are complete.
I have double and triple checked my spelling and grammar to ensure I am using the best
words possible to demonstrate my work as an awesome 9 th grade student.
I have spent time on this paper and this paper truly demonstrates my best effort and my
best workNOTE: Do not even think about turning in this paper unless you can answer

YES to this question!

Name _____________________________
Hour _____________
By using this checklist before your turn in your FINAL draft of your Purpose Statement, you will
certainly be more prepared to succeed in your final grade. Take the 15 minutes to really use this
checklist and make sure you are catching all the errors.
You MUST turn this paper in with your final draft!

Signature: ____________________________________

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