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November 2014

To whom it may concern:
My name is Francisco Javier Gutierrez Tabanico (San Luis Ro Colorado,
Sonora. September 7th, 1971) I studied Bachelors degree in Electronic Engineer
Science. Growing up in border area has been an important challenge to the
domain of the English language, especially the great advantages that this
represents in everyday life.
To devote to teaching I was committed to form honest citizens prepared not
only to face the world of work but also the adversities that society demands. One of
these important challenges takes root in being in movement with this globalized
world; it is for this reason that I consider very important to master a second
Im motived to study

on CATT program from University of Arizona the

reasons for wish it to pursue this training in the city of Tucson is mainly by
overcoming and personal growth, to acquire new knowledge, skills and abilities as
a teacher. Another reason is being a competitive professional from vanguard for my
country and my region. I believe firmly that studying this course, I will form an
entrepreneurial attitude, envisioning new opportunities for action.
I believe that this training course is a perfect complement to my
career. Therefore, having as basis the knowledge given a scaffold, preparing class
for a new students who immerse on English language it would make the perfect
amount to get out to offer my services as a teacher at top level, creating more
relaxed environments and applying new methodology ways for the teachinglearning process.
Francisco Javier Gutierrez Tabanico

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