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National Geographic Channel's documentary about MV Agusta is very comprehensible.

However, a detailed dis

cussion on MV's products, how they are different and similar to each other, its features and other stuffs so that vi
ewers will be able to understand better the motorcycle industry.
The film gives an idea on businesses on how to face competition in their industry so that they will be able to fac
e challenges and gain customers' trust. It is also evident in the film that harmony in the workplace yields good re
sults. Even amidst difficulties, businesses should keep going and learn from their mistakes. And most importantl
y, there is always a room for improvement. High quality products must be maintained and kept at a certain level,
without a need to sacrifice affordability, for the business to easily reach their market.

It would be better to see comparison of MV Agusta's products for the viewers to be able to se
e how the business has grown and improved through the years. Having a little background wo
uld be helpful for the viewers to easily understand and appreciate how the business end up in
producing F3- an affordable high-quality motorcycle which is perceived to very competitive i
n the market. Seeing how the company has evolved through the years will leave a mark in the
viewer's mind on how important good production and operations management is.

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