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Use of Kryptofix 222 in PET diagnostics

High Purity Reagent for the Synthesis of

Fluorine-18 2-deoxy-2-fluoro-D-glucose FDG
Positron Emission Tomography (PET) which employs radiotracers to observe cell metabolism in vivo
is fast becoming a highly useful diagnostic technique. The most commonly used radiotracer is
Fluorine-18 labelled 2-Fluoro-2-deoxy-D-glucose (18FDG). FDG is naturally absorbed by cells just like
glucose, but cannot be metabolized. The 18FDG radiotracer accumulates in cancer cells because of
their characteristic high metabolic rate. The 18F emits low energy positrons that are detected by PET
A limiting factor of 18FDG use is the relatively short half-life (~100 minutes) of the 18F atom. The entire
process from creation of 18F to synthesis of 18FDG through injection into a patient must occur within
several hours. This has lead to the creation of several automated 18FDG synthesizers that utilize kits
to aid the process.

The synthesis of 18FDG requires the use of a cyclotron to produce 18F from 18O enriched water and
typically utilizes an 18FDG synthesizer. These synthesizers require Kryptofix 222 and Mannose triflat
as starting materials.
Kryptofix is a registered trademark of Merck KGaA. We offer with item 8.14925.0001 a very pure
Kryptofix 222 special quality for the synthesis of FDG. With this quality at hand the medicinal
personnel are able to use the purest Kryptofix 222 available, which ultimately is safer for the patients
that get an injection of FDG.

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