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People should study intercultural communication because it brings an understandi

ng of other people s cultures and brings the world together as a whole through thi
s understanding. Understanding other cultures can bring this world peace idea beca
use peace cannot be gained through violence, it can only be gained through unders
tanding. (Ralph Emerson) A part of intercultural communication that could be easil
y seen as avoided could be a part of transferring messages. I see this as such b
ecause, when you would interpret a message from your own country, you have a sen
se of closeness; it is familiar to you because it is of your culture and you (mo
st would hope) understand your culture and the way it works. However, when exper
iencing another culture, you would probably try to make some kind of relation to
yours and if it isn t with the norms of your culture, you shun it and think of it
as weird. This understanding that not all cultures are exactly like your own is
something lacking in a lot of people and is a major part of intercultural commu
nication--understanding. I personally think America is rather ignorant of the cu
ltures that make it up. However, a culture was formed in America and most people
adhere to that culture and avoid the other cultures that aren t a part of the Amer
ican culture , as opposed to learning of the cultures that form the country even t
hough this is a country of immigrants and the only real American people are the
Native Americans. Many American people see anything outside of the American cultu
re and judge it immediately as weird instead of trying to understand the other cu

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