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Nothing comes out of Nothing"(implied eternity).

o Air ( Vayu): The fourth Element is symbolized by a circle

(endless motion) and is the Tattwa of Anahata chakra
. (located at the heart region). Vayu is the principle of
movement and comes from the Sanskrit root meaning
"to blow."
Vayu manifests as the gaseous and vaporous states
of matter. Its sensory avenue is touch (Sparsa) and it
carries the sound from Ether, therefore Vayu can be
heard and felt.
6. Fire (Tejas): The third Element is symbolized by a red
triangle, or tetrahedron. In Western alchemy, the symbol
for fire is always a triangle with the apex up; in Yoga
it may be drawn with the apex down, e.g. the Trikona
(Yoni triangle) which is found in Manipura chakra (just
above the navel). Tejas comes from the Sanskrit root
meaning "sharp," i.e. pointed flames.
Tejas is the Element manifesting as all thermal activity;
heat, illumination from incandescence, and trans

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