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Multiplication with Indices

Consider the product 42 # 43 = ^4 # 4h # ^4 # 4 # 4h = 45 = 42 + 3 .
In the product, the base is the same and the indices have been added together. In general you can apply the
formula for multiplication with indices:

am # an = am + n
Same base

Add indices

Multiplying terms with indices


4t2 # 9t5 = 4 # 9 # t2 # t5 = 36t2 + 5 = 36t7

A coefficient is the number before
the variable in an expression.
Eg. The coefficient of 2x is 2.

Coefficients multiplied separately

Coefficients multiplied separately

5p3 q4 # 3p2 q = 5 # 3 # p3 # p2 # q4 # q = 15p3 + 2 q4 + 1 = 15p5 q5

Same bases grouped together

Division with Indices

If we divide 75 ' 73 = c 7 # 7 # 7 # 7 # 7 m = 7 # 7 # c 7 # 7 # 7 m = 72 # 1 = 72 = 75 - 3 .
In the division, the second index (3) has been subtracted from the first (5).
In general, apply this formula for division with indices:

am ' an = am - n
Same base

Subtract indices

Dividing terms with indices

Coefficients divided separately

20y7 ' 4y2 = ^20 ' 4h^ y7 ' y2h

= 5y7 - 2
= 5y5
Coefficients divided separately

21a5 b4 c6 ' 7a4 bc4 = ^21 ' 7h^a5 ' a4h^ b4 ' bh^c6 ' c4h
Same bases grouped together

= 3a

5-4 4-1 6-4

= 3ab3 c2

100% Indices
Mathletics 100%

3P Learning



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