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Greeks and Romans: When we think The quick-witted Greeks, whom the sea
of the Greeks, we think of a bold, and lack of resources forced into
intelligent people who gave us so much becoming clever and resourceful
in the way of art, architecture, drama, traders, looked upon the agricultural
democracy, science, and math. When Romans as slow and dumb. But there
we think of the Romans, we think of were several characteristics that would
empire builders. They were a more help the Romans become great empire
down to earth people who may have builders. First of all, being farmers they
invented little compared to what the had a certain ability and willingness to
Greeks did. But they built and persevere through hardships. Also
maintained an empire that peacefully agriculture tended to make the Romans
embraced the entire Mediterranean Sea somewhat more careful and wary of
for some two centuries, an change. They were also a tightly knit
accomplishment unparalleled in history. society, more willing to submit to the
The Romans also spread civilization into rule of law than the quarrelsome Greeks
Western Europe. In that sense, they ever were. This Roman discipline
were the bridge between the older produced magnificent soldiers and the
cultures of the ancient Near East and most efficient and effective armies in the
our culture, known as Western ancient world. It also produced an
Civilization. intense desire for the rule of law that
GE0GRAPHY made the Romans possibly the greatest
lawgivers in history. Many Western
Like Greece, Italy is a country whose European countries today base their law
history has been shaped by its codes directly on earlier Roman law
geography. The country of Italy, shaped codes.
like a boot, is over 500 miles long. The
Apennine Mountains run all the way Italy’s Topography
from the valley of the Po River in the Italy's topography also had an impact.
north to the toe of the boot in the south. There were two main rivers. The most
The Apennines are packed with volcanic important river of Italy is the Po, which,
rock and ash from volcanic eruptions. with its hundred tributaries, drains the
Though rainfall is fairly light this volcanic fertile valley in the north, lying between
soil is rich with nutrients. The main the Alps and the Apennines. On the
products in ancient times were wheat, western slope the most important river is
the olive, and the grape. These features the Tiber, where Rome was built. The
attracted Greek colonists who settled in Tiber emptied into the Tyrrhenian Sea
the boot of Italy and established the port while on the east of Italy the Adriatic
of Naples which would have an Sea was the border. The Alps to the
immense influence on Roman North provided some protection,
civilization and would create a major although occasionally invaders, such as
center of trade. Italy's soil tended to the Gaul’s and Carthaginians, did
make its people farmers rather than invade. And while the Apennines did
artisans and merchants. These factors, run along the entire country splitting it
in particular the close ties to the soil, into various city states it was not nearly
largely molded the Romans' personality as hard to unify as was the Greek city
as a people. states.
Italy’s Location Greece). The Greeks founded the city of
Italy's location favored it in two other Naples, which became one of the few
ways. It had a strategic position in the important trading ports in Italy.
middle of the Mediterranean that divided The Latins settled in a plain which is
the Mediterranean into western and bordered on the east and south by
eastern halves. Also, it was far enough mountains, on the west by the
away from the older civilizations of Tyrrhenian Sea, and on the north by the
antiquity to allow it to develop on its own high lands of the Etruscans.
without too much outside interference.
Therefore, once Italy was unified, its This plain, called Latium (flat country),
geographic position allowed Rome to contains about 700 square miles with a
unite the Mediterranean under its rule. coast of only fifty miles, and no good
Italy’s Early People harbors. It is watered by the river called
The future of Rome was shaped by the the Tiber and since the Latins were
different peoples who lived there farmers this was the best place for
between the years 800 and 200 BC. them. Seven Hills rise here and there
These include the Etruscans in the near the mouth of the Tiber, but the low
north, Greeks in the south, and the lands (where Rome will be built) were
many Italian tribes called the Latins in swamps and unhealthy so nobody lived
the center of Italy. The Latin tribes were there. Hence the first settlements were
the newcomers to Italy and borrowed made on the hills called Abla Longa to
many ideas from the Etruscans and the the north, which also could be easily
Greeks to become the dominant tribe in fortified. These Latins chose the city of
Italy and to build the Roman Empire. Alba to be its head. An annual festival
was celebrated with by the magistrates
The Etruscans lived mainly in northern on the Alban Mount, called the Latin
Italy. Because they were learning from festival. Here all the Latin people
the Greeks and the Phoenicians, they assembled and offered sacrifice to their
learned how to do a lot of things that the common god, Jupiter (Zeus).
Latins living around Rome didn't know
how to do yet. The Etruscans built cities
with stone walls. They built big stone
temples and they put big statues in
them. They dug canals and ditches to
irrigate (bring water to) their fields. They
had organized governments with kings.
Soon some of the other people in Italy
began to copy the Etruscan ways of
doing things.
About the same time as the Etruscans,
a lot of Greeks also came to make
Greek colonies. At first they were
probably mainly trading posts, but later
Greek people settled down in the south
and began farming. The Greeks settled
in southern Italy, which came to be
known as Magna Grecia (Greater

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