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Winter Semester 2014/15

Lab course for Lecture

Semantic Web Technologies

Hasso Plattner Institute

University of Potsdam
Dr. Harald Sack,
Magnus Knuth, Dinesh Reddy, Tamara Bobic
{harald.sack |
magnus.knuth | dinesh.reddy | tamara.bobic}

Exercise Sheet 3

You should be able to present, to explain, and to discuss exercise solutions in the session to all
participants in the lab course session on 19.11.2014.

Exercise 1:
Expand a copy of the HPI Soft-Skills-Kolloquium-page1 (a) with RDFa and (b) with, to
include and semantically distinguish individual events including theme, speaker, location, time etc.
For the RDFa annotations use most commonly used RDF vocabularies that are appropriate for that use
case and justify your choice.
Exercise 2:
The following knowledge base is given:
@prefix rdf: <> .
@prefix rdfs: <> .
@prefix ex: <> .
ex:loves rdf:type rdf:Property .
ex:loves rdfs:domain ex:Lover .
ex:loves rdfs:range ex:Beloved .
Determine the types of resources with the names MatchMe (respectively matchMe) from the following
ex:MatchMe rdf:rest ex:Something .
ex:Something ex:loves ex:MatchMe .
ex:MatchMe ex:loves ex:Something .
ex:Something rdf:type ex:MatchMe .
ex:Something rdfs:label "MatchMe" .
ex:Something ex:matchMe "other" .
ex:MatchMe rdf:predicate ex:Something .
ex:MatchMe rdf:type ex:Something .
The following types are available: rdfs:Literal, rdf:Property, ex:Lover, ex:Beloved, rdfs:Class,
ex:Something, rdf:Statement, and rdf:List.


Exercise 3:
Describe the essential entities and classes of the New York Times article Are European Museum Passes Worth the Money? 2 with RDF(S) using Turtle syntax. Use the namespace nyt:
<> for the properties validityPeriod, price, includesAdmission,
discountsAdmission, etc. Think of URIs for the given entities and classes. Try to model the facts
in a consistent way so that you can discern which card saves you how much on which attractions.
Exercise 4:
The Figure 1 represents a knowledge base. Which types do the following entities have (also consider
RDFS inference):
Please add the following facts to the knowledge base (in RDF Turtle syntax).
All actors are also persons.
The property dbo:spouse is intended to be used as a relation between persons.
A fictional character is not a person.

Figure 1: RDF(S)-Graph

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