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I speak to them of flamenco and bullfighting

Flamenco is an art that comes in two variants: Music and Dance. In music, Singing and Guitar occupy the central role, although other instruments such as the
palms and sides that are usually present and play an important role.
The dance is very expressive and everybody has to move in a coordinated manner: The feet, legs, hips, waist, arms, hands, fingers, shoulders, head...
I'm going to explain it is a bullfight
In a run usually three toreros deal six bulls, including two each bullfighter. The bullfighters perform their job in order of seniority, which is given by the date of its
kind of degree. So the first bullfighter touch you deal the first bull, the second the second and the third the third bull, continuing the first quarter bullfighter with
bull and so on.
Trophies will be one or two ears of the bull struggled, and maximum tail


The greatest honor for a bullfighter after an extraordinary job is to leave the arena to Crowd

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