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The Malm Commission, Report on Malms Path to a Sustainable Future

Planprisnominerad. Illustration: Lundgaard och Tranberg Arkitekter

Jury verdict
The Commission recommends adopting a policy of social investment to overcome the
segregation and ill health now prevalent in Malm. Its report contains an action plan for
housing environment and urban planning.
The Commission for a Socially Sustainable Malm has been working since 2011, in
collaboration with the University, to collate research and examples describing the
interrelationship of housing, health and economics. The final report, entitled Malms path
towards a sustainable future, was presented in 2013. The action plan addresses education,

employment, health and medical care, plus housing conditions and urban planning.
The Planning Prize jury wishes particularly to highlight the consulting report entitled The
spatial impact of the city on health. The urban planning action plan is designed to break
down spatial barriers in the built environment and to establish more equal opportunities for
citizens to contribute towards and benefit from urban development, through investment in the
living environment for children and juveniles. The action plan proposals are now being
implemented within urban development projects like Rosengrdsstrket, Lindngen and
Architect: Director of City Planning architect SAR/MSA Christer Larsson.
Client: The City of Malm.
To encourage and disseminate best practices, the Swedish Association of Architects awards
a biennial planning prize for good urban planning or urban construction.
This planning prize is awarded for a scheme addressing an issue of particularly urgent
concern to the architectural profession.
ZDP4 Housing Development by Atelier Zndel Cristea

ZDP4 Housing Development. The manufacture of the block 04, made of 60 +

60 housing units, is the result of a joint workshop of two architectural firms:
AZC and Cantin Planchez . This collaboration has allowed us to approach the
issue of housing in a free and insightful way. We therefore propose a
diversity of volumetric devices, duplexes, lofts, houses, terraces, balconies,
loggias, gardens The new entity offers an architectural variety which
responds to the urban scale of the site as well as to the domestic character
of its program.

The site distinguishes itself by the relation to the port and the urban space.
This situation generates a public space that adapts to the key urban
elements and in the same time interferes with the surrounding landscape.

Inspired by the ports surrounding buildings, our project offers collective

housing as well as individual house-type units. These qualities, as the
modern and reassuring aspect, are obtained due to the rigour of the bay
design, the choice of the materials and the use of bright colours.

The main challenge of the project is to fabricate efficient and desirable

collective housing, allowing around each unit a generous amount of private
Our architectural project is not limited to volumes and faades. We take into
account the quality of life of its users, the quality of the environment it
generates. This is often measured by the sustainability of buildings and their
functional flexibility. We therefore took into account the capacity of the
building to evolve and adapt.

The purpose of the building base is to protect the housing units from the
noise nuisance coming from the road and the walkway along the canal. The
objective of designing the two buildings is to create double exposure,
diagonal views and transparency on all the levels of the block.

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