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Moisture effects on the high strain-rate behavior of silty sand

The effects of moisture content on the high strain-rate mechanical properties of fine
siltygrain sand were characterized with a split-Hopkinson pressure bar. A controlled
loading pulse allowed the sample to acquire stress equilibrium and a constant strain-rate
of 400 s1. The sand specimen confined in a hardened steel tube, had a dry density of
1.50 g/cm3 with moisture contents varied from 3% to 20% by weight. Experimental
results indicate that partially saturated sand is more compressible than dry sand with the
softest behavior observed at 7% moisture content. The softening of the partially saturated
sand may occur due to the pore water acting as a lubricant between the sand particles.
Similar trends were reported in the quasi-static regime for experiments conducted at
comparable specimen conditions

Dear Sir,
This is in reference to the summer project work I would like to pursue under your kind
guidance. As suggested by my faculty advisor Prof. Mr. kolte ( Civil Engineering, Nirma
University ), the topic I have opted for is Green building .
I was immensely inspired by your guest lecture In the month of March, 2010 at Nirma
University and look forward to your kind support and guidance in order to carry out my
Since it is an individual initiative, I seek an appointment to meet you.
Kindly consider the matter. Await an affirmative and early response.
Thanking you,
Yours truly,
Umang Sharma
Second year , Civil Engineering,
Nirma University.
Mob:- 09586861503

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