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Life in Spanish America

Felipe Pinzon
Gonzalo Cortes
Mr. Storeowner

Hernan Cortes

Shoe Shine Boy

Speaking Slave

Our story begins in the small seacoast settlement of Vera Cruz. Vera Cruz
was the first city founded by the Spaniards on the North American continent.
Two Spanish noblemen have just arrived after a long journey across the
Atlantic from Spain. Their names are Felipe Pinzon and Gonzalo Cortes. The
year is 1542. It is early summer.

(Felipe and Gonzalo walk into the room)

Felipe (complaining): Ai-yi-yi, It is HOT, Gonzalo! And look at this place what a dump! All the way
from Spain for this?

Stop your belly-aching, Felipe. This is Vera Cruz. Its just a stopping point on our way to
Mexico City. We must ask how to get there. But where do we ask?

(At that moment a young shoe shine boy speaks up)


Shine your shoes, guv-nah?


Excuse me, what did you say?


May I shine your shoes? It will only cost you three gold coins.


What? You are crazy, boy! We dont need our shoes cleaned. We need some food!


I have a half-eaten apple. I can give it to you for one gold coin.

(At that moment, a storeowner chases the beggar boy away)

Storeowner: Shoo Shoo go away, you little pest. Leave these nice gentlemen alone! SHOO get out
of here!
(The boy scampers away, whimpering)
Storeowner: Sorry, gentlemen, we try not to let them linger too long around our shops.

What was wrong with him? He, he lookeddifferent.

Storeowner: Hes what we call Mestizo, sir. He is a half-breed. His father was a Spaniard but his
mother was from a local Indian tribe. They are a very poor people thus the begging.

Well, thank you, sir. We appreciate the help. You have a funny accent, though. Where are
you from in Spain?

Storeowner: None, sir. I was born here.


So, you are a mestizo, too?

Storeowner: (shocked) Heavens, No! I am Creole. My parents were both Spanish born, may they rest in
peace. I was born here in Vera Cruz.

Okay, thanks for the info but we really need to get to Mexico City to see the Viceroy.


AND, to get some food!

Storeowner: (laughs) Ha, Ha, Ha, no problem, my good masters. I will take care of you. Come with me,
youll see, for a fee, excellent food and tea.

Gonzalo and Felipe soon began their journey to Mexico City the former
capital city of the Aztec empire, Tenochtitlan, now the capital of the
viceroyalty of New Spain. The Viceroyal in charge of New Spain is a former
conquistador and an impatient man.

(The Viceroyal is seated at his desk working feverishly on a letter back to King Carlos (Charles).
Viceroyal: (writing) and we are sending twelve galleons back to you bursting with the riches of this.
(Knock on the door by the Guard)

Your Honor, there are two important Spanish noblemen here to see you.

Viceroyal: (impatiently) Tell them to go away! Tell them I am too busy!!


But they insist! And I am told that one is the brother of Hernan Cortes!

Viceroy: (surprised) Cortes! Okay, send them in, rapido!

(Felipe and Gonzalo enter the room led by the guard)
Viceroy: (stands and bows low) Gentlemen, Jose Maria Monales y Pavon at your service.
(Gonzalo and Felipe also bow low)

I am Gonzalo Cortes and this is Felipe Pinzon. We are looking for directions to my brother
Hernans estate, his hacienda.


Indeed! But I think it wont be too hard to find. He owns the largest hacienda in all of
New Spain.

Gonzalo: (changing the subject) This must be the largest city in all of the world! Felipe and I almost fell
off our horses when we first saw it!

It was once much larger. The Aztec had a great empire. Key word, though, is had.
Now it all belongs to Spain!


We noticed a lot of building projects going on. How did they build so much so soon over
the old city. It actually looks like a Spanish city back home.


We have a vast amount of labor here. Most of the inhabitants have been enslaved.


Im surprised they dont rebel! They cant like any of this.


Well, they dont have much of a choice now do they? They are the lowest level of Spanish
American society in the New World. And if they die? We can always bring slaves from
other places.

Felipe: (sarcastically) My, how efficient!


Sir, thank you for your time but can you please help us to reach my brother?


Yes, and where can we get something to eat?


Not to worry, gentlemen, I will help you.


Soon Gonzalo and Felipe are on their way to the hacienda of Hernan Cortes.

(Gonzalo and Felipe arrive at Cortes estate and notice some slaves working in a field)

Gonzalo, look over there (points).

(A Spanish overseer is whipping a slave)


Get back to work you dogs!

(One slave sits down exhausted)


But, master, can I sit but just a moment?

Overseer (whips the slave) You filthy animal, I told you Get Back To Work! ARRRRGH!
(Gonzalo and Felipe look shocked! At that moment Hernan Cortes approaches)

Gonzalo, Felipe! Welcome my Spanish brothers!


Well, hello Hernando.


Hernan Cortes! The Conqueror of the Aztec. I cant believe I am standing here! I am so


Okay, Okay, calm down, Felipe. Gonzalo, my little bro, I am so happy you arrived unhurt.
Come give your big bro a big hug!

(Hernan and Gonzalo embrace)


Hernan, what is going on here? There must be thousands of people working out there.


It is my Encomienda! I was given over 100,000 slaves to work my land. Now their only
purpose in life is to make money for moi! (laughs)


100,000 people?


Hernan, you have been blessed with many things in this life. You are very wealthy man.
Why do you need to use slave labor?


This is the way things are over here. What else is to be done with them? Besides, I am
making a fortune off my cash crops of coffee and cotton.


Ah, mercantilism, I see. These people are sacrificed so that Spain might grow richer!


Mercantilism? I am confused.


Spains growth in colonies is allowing her to export far more goods than what they need to
import. So, many countries end up owing lots of money to Spain to make up for the trade


And wise men like me get RICH in the process.


And with a payroll that costs you nothing you probably have more gold than anyone in
all of Spain save the King.


Exactly! And you could be that rich, too! I can get you an encomienda of 30,000 slaves to
start and land

(Gonzalo interrupts)

No thanks, bro. Felipe and I wont be a part of this. This is not right and one day this
system will fail.


Suit yourselves. In the meantime I am going back inside to watch the game between Real
Madrid and Barcelona on my new 78 inch, LED, Curved, 2160 pixel, smart, 3D, Ultra HD
television, nice, huh? Adios!

(Hernan leaves)

Great what do we do now?


Find our wealth the old fashioned way, Felipe. I hear there is an expedition leaving soon
lead by the nobleman, Francisco Coronado. They are going to find the seven cities of gold.
I am sure they will be successful. And I plan to be with them!


As long as there is something to eat. I am HUNGRY!


Spanish American society in the new world was very harsh. It eventually came
to an end though. Mexico earned its independence from Spain in 1810 after
almost 300 years of feudal-like rule.

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