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Three approaches to ethics


Main Idea

Virtue ethics
Individual Integrity

Focuses upon character

Acting true to oneself and fulfilling the goals of
life are what it means to be a full human being
Moved to action because acting as a virtuous
person is the only way he can live with himself
What sort of person should I aim to be and
what do I need to do to fulfill that goal?


Focuses on psychological traits such as

affection, sympathy, moral sense, intuition,
Values results over principles in order to
produce desired outcome
Concerned less with the kind of person
someone is than with the outcome of the
action the person takes
What is the result of what I do?

3. Principled
Ethics (Kant)
duty and ought

Ethics based on principles that are certain and

Relies upon rationality and obligates a person
to live consistently with what reason requires
Searches for valid generalizations What does reason morally require me to do
Source: Dobrin 2002

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