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= Historical Studies 8 UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO MISSISSAUGA Reference for Meaghan Salisbury It is a pleasure to write for Ms. Meaghan Salisbury, who was a care-giver to our son Emrik while he was in the ‘Big Kids’ room (from 2011 to 2014) at the Campus Co-operative Daycare of the University of Toronto. During this critical time of our son’s development Ms. Salisbury has been an outstanding care-giver, showing a level of commitment, professionalism and warmth far beyond anything that might be termed ‘call of duty’, To use but one example, Ms. Salisbury would regularly turn up at key events outside of her shift, like the first day of school or the graduation from the Daycare, just to be with the children on those important occasions. It is not least thanks to Ms. Salisbury’s excellent work that we look back at our son’s years at the Daycare with gratitude and many fond memories. It is immediately obvious for anyone who meets Ms. Salisbury in her professional context that she truly enjoys her work. For her working with children is clearly not a ‘job’: it is a gift and a privilege. Her positive, life-embracing attitude, her enthusiasm, her caring presence and her personal warmth inspire the children and greatly contribute to their healthy development in cognitive and emotional terms. I believe that any educational institution would be fortunate to have Ms. Salisbury as one of its permanent employees. fr town (M. Revermann, Professor of Classics and Theatre Studies, University of Toronto) Misisang Road North Room 1538, Misisauga, Onaria, LSE 1Ch Cana Fag +1 05 569-4412 » toric North

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