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BBT 10: Period 3

1. Whose passive house design was the most visually appealing? Why?
I think that Angela and Noelas house is the most visually appealing, because
its the coolest shape and the glass wall is pretty, too.

2. Whose house seemed to be the most innovative and energy efficient? Why?
Christines house seemed to be the most energy efficient to me. Because it
was situated south and had thicker walls.

3. In at least 2 sentences, what did you learn from completing this project?
A: I learned that you can design houses in such a way that it can conserve
energy and be more affordable. I also learned how to build a better house
using sketchup.

BBT 10: Priod 6

1. qui la conception (design) de maison passive est le plus sduisant
visuellement? Pourquoi?

2. qui la conception de maison passive semble le plus innovant et efficace?


3. Dans au moins deux (2) phrases, quavez-vous appris en compltant ce


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