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Reading the Bible

Danielle Welker
November 25, 2014


Research has been shown that either removing or adding a behavior is more likely
to stick if it is consistently practiced for a minimum of 21 days (Cooper, 2012). This is a
study that reveals how to implement reading effectively. What works? What doesnt
work? Implementing bible reading results in certain sacrifices like waking up earlier or
going to sleep a little later. Over the course of 8 weeks, this action research plan will help
change the day to day schedule in setting bible reading as a priority to be included in the
daily routine.


Reading the Bible More Action Research

As a Christian believer it would be problematic for me to claim that role without
practicing the responsibility of being a believer. Though reviewing old bible stories and
reading random verses when I am feeling low is still effective, it is hardly realistic and
somewhat pathetic. God has given Christians access to His holiness, access to wisdom
and knowledge, access to healing and power, and it is in the form of a bible. This living
document is not to be read once and shelved as a fond memory, but rather consistently
and constantly scrutinized, sought out, read, understood, on a day-to-day basis. A lack of
pursuing the bible is a lack of pursuing Christ in someway, because no person can truly
know the entire bible by memory. As I reflected on my daily life and valuables, I realized
that this was a huge portion missing from my life; daily reading the bible.
This action research is a journey that will reveal many things to me: how much I
really prioritize the bible, how much I am willing to compromise on sticking to my word,
and what other things I am willing to possibly give up if I am unable to fit in my reading.
The problem statement is if I replace 15 minutes of usual social media time with a
chapter from the old testament and a chapter from the new testament daily, can I read
through the whole bible over the course of 1 year? Over the course of 8 weeks can I read
at of the bible?
Action Research: Reading the Bible Data
November 26,
2014-December 2

Scheduled Activity
Read Genesis 1,
Read Matthew Ch 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10

December 3-10

Read Genesis 20-30

Matthew 11-28

Actual Performance
I read through the
verses but feel like I
am having a hard
time retaining what
I read.
I read every other
day this week. It


December 11-18
December 19-25
December 26January 2
January 3-January

Read Genesis 31-41

Mark 1-7
Read Genesis 31-41
Mark 1-7
Read Genesis 31-41
Mark 1-7
Genesis 42-50
Mark 1-7

was hard to
consistently read
each morning
because I was less
motivated. I read on
these dates of that
week: 3,5,7,9,10
I did not read this
I did not read this
I read all of Genesis
I read every day this

Over the course of 7 weeks, I read 4/7 weeks.

Some of the barriers to reaching my goal include the fact that my husbands IPAD
is always out in the open. Though I successfully didnt go on Facebook that entire
duration, it was hard to avoid glancing over at his. It was also tricky to complete these
tasks over the holidays because I had over 15 family members in my space for the
duration of Christmas break. It is clear on December 18-29 why I did not read. I found
that because I read 4/7 weeks total, I did not successfully complete my action plan. I was
also unable to get my hands on the one year bible. I think a formatted book with less
verses would have been a good idea. I went by my own plan and chose Genesis as a
starter which was 50 chapters long!

However, I have used this method of removing Facebook to focus more on homework
and people and it has helped. I have to be proactive and choose it everyday regardless.


Part 2

I have investigated two ways for consistently reading the bible.

1) Buy the One Year Bible from any bookstore. Having a book that already plans and
organizes what to read makes it more applicable and less overwhelming. It also
proves that other people were able to do it.
2) Remove Facebook yes, but also go into a separate quiet room with no distractions.
No tv, technology, nothing but the bible in your peripheral vision.

I am choosing the first method because I have yet to read the One year bible and I
think it will help me overcome the stressor of planning too much and reading too
much, as well as remember the information I am reading.

This is a picture of the book I bought. It cost $13.26

at Barnes and Noble.


Day 1- I have read the day one

Day 2-I have read the day two
Day 3- I read the day three
Day 4- I read the day four
Day 5- I read the day five

After attempting to tackle consistent Bible reading, I found that this method was more
effective than when I planned to read. The way this book breaks up scripture makes
the content way less overwhelming.

Now that I have a plan that works, I am confident that I will be able to tackle this
One year bible. It was extra incentive that it is organized and that it cost me money.
Now that I paid for the book, I feel an obligation to finish what I have started. In
hindsight, doing it the wrong way for 7 weeks somewhat motivated me to do it this
way. Going from 20 long grueling chapters in the morning to now 10 verses made the
task more bearable.
The action research was initially a fail but after readjusting how I tackled reading
the bible it became a success. I have learned so much in just these short days, more
than the 7 weeks of struggle because I am reading a more manageable amount. I am
able to retain the information also. This has been a wonderful research project and I
am happy to have implemented more time and space for intimacy with God. I also am
still off Facebook for now. This has been a great learning experience for me!


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