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Common Questions

1. What is copyright?
Copyright is the law that protects authors, artists, composers and mores work
from being used by others.
2. How long does the copyright on an original work last?
An original work copyright doesnt last forever but it does last until 70 years
after the author or creators death.
3. What is the fair use act?
The fair use act allows students and teachers to use a limited amount of
copyrighted material for educational use.
4. What is plagiarism?
Copying someone elses copyrighted works/words and pass them off as your
5. What types of things can be copyrighted? What cannot be
Any work that youve created can be copyrighted. A drawing, a photo, story,
book, and song. Things that cannot be copyrighted are names, recipes, dances,
6. What is the public domain?
Works that are not copyrighted are public domain so they can be used without
permission but you should still give credit to the source.
7. The fair use act allows anyone to use copyrighted materials for
educational purposes. What other uses are covered under the fair
use act?
A limited amount of copyright can be used for purposes like criticism,
comments, and even new reports.

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