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The Black death

By Louis Byrne
• The black death was one of the most deadliest
pandemics in human history, based between
1348&1350 which was spread across Europe.
• It killed 30% to 60% of the Europeans
population, the Europe population didn’t recover
until 150 years.
• The black death had a lot of symptoms: big
lumps, coughing, vomiting, headaches.
Temperatures got up to 38_41degress Celsius.
• People believed mixing herbs, human waste and
cats waste helped healing the boils.
•The persecution of cats in Europe is often
overlooked as a contributing factor in the spread of
plague. In years prior to the outbreak, cats had been
vilified and slain en masse, due to their growing
popular association with Satan and witches. Pope
Gregory IX declared cats' association with the devil in
the early 1200s. The mass slaughter of cats
preceding the arrival of infected rats greatly reduced
a potential predator of the rat, allowing rat populations
to flourish unnaturally.

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