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An example of power of language is euphemism.

Euphemism is often used by politicians

and most of the time, people dont even realize it. The way euphemism is used is someone
takes something bad and makes it sound good.
The function of euphemism is to soften peoples feelings towards the subject. An
example of euphemism would be when Bill Clinton admitted to smoking marijuana but adding
that he did not inhale. The word inhale here taking the place of get high. Politicians use this
concept very often to not look bad to their citizens and supporters. Instead of tax increase,
they will use words like revenue enhancements or instead of budget spending, they will use
words like investments. Euphemism can be recognized when people dont understand a
phrase that someone uses or if the person is being very indirect.
One example of euphemism is when South Carolinas governor, Mark Sanford,
disappeared in 2009. This is where the phrase hiking on the Appalachian Trail originates from.
Mark Sanford had gone six days without being seen and someone told reporters that he had
gone hiking on the Appalachian Trail. It was later discovered that Sanford was actually in
Buenos Aires having an affair and that they were trying to cover it up.
Another example of euphemism being used is when President Barack Obama said that
he was going to send military advisors to Iraq instead of just saying he was sending soldiers.
He was relying on Americans to not know the exact meaning of that term. Although some people
did understand what President Obama was saying, many people did not.
It is important for people to be able to identify euphemism so that they are not decieved
by politicians when they are telling them some bad news. The impact that euphemism can have
is it can assist a bad person into getting elected. We all know that, in the past, bad people have
been elected into power. What people will learn by reading this can help prevent that.

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