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Hamiltons 8th Grade English Class, Period 2

Del Mar Middle School
105 Ave Miraflores,
Tiburon, CA 94920
January 8, 2015
Ellen J. Sirleaf
777 UN Plaza, Suite 3C
New York, NY 10017
Dear Ellen J. Sirleaf:
My name is Sutter P. from Del Mar Middle School and I am writing this
letter to talk about your wonderful contributes to help with womens
rights (in Liberia). I would like to recognize your action on making a
website where people can donate, market a campaign, or just read
about upcoming events that may occur. Not only this, but in total 4,961
women have been affected by your organization! I would like to
congratulate you on this great achievement!
Your impact like I said helped thousands of women with literacy
training, business development, and savings and loan training. Your
organization is so amazing and thoughtful. Now many women in Liberia
have jobs, because of the Sirleaf Market Womens Fund. 26 markets
were also served in 10 countries. If you continue with your actions
thousand more women will be able to receive jobs.
To further help your organization I recommend not only helping women
find jobs, but help women find an education. Whether this is making a
new organization or splitting half of the donations (less or more) and
giving the money to another organization that helps this. If women get
a good education they can teach better and kids will be able to have a
higher education. This can help so many people teach kids with a good
Even though I am a very busy student I would like to donate money or
take some action. This can be through having a bake sale or just
making other students aware of your organization. Hopefully I can
make a difference and my idea (if you decide to do it) will benefit the
organization! I hope I can also make a difference not only with my idea,
but in general! Thank you so much for your time and generosity
reading this letter!


Sutter P.

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