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Sutter Portner

Science 7
Ms. Saura

Science Paragraphs

The first step of the scientific method is posing questions. During this the scientist
will think about questions that are important to helping do a lab or prove a theory. The
second step is to develop your own hypothesis. What this will do is help with your
explanation in the end. The third step is designing an experiment. During this you
examine the factors that can be measured or the parameter. Then you find the
manipulated variable that changes the outcome, which is a responding variable. During
this you have to keep all the other parameters controlled. A controlled experiment is when
only one parameter is affected at a time. The next step is collecting and interpreting data.
To do this; before a lab starts you create a data chart. The data can be quantitative or
qualitative, which means with numbers or without. If the data is quantitative (with
numbers) then it is expressed always in centimeters (cm). The data can be used in a chart,
graph, etc. Step number six is the drawing conclusion. A this point of the stage the
scientist will write an analysis/conclusion based on there hypothesis. In there hypothesis
they can write if they were wrong or not in there hypothesis. The last and final step is
communication. This is where scientist will sit down together and share their labs as the
final stage of the lab/experiment.
Designing an experiment is when you design some sort of lab to prove a point or
theory. In the experiment you have to find and examine the parameter. In an organized
experiment there should be only one parameter that changes. The parameter that changes
is called the manipulated variable and the expected parameter to change is called the
responding variable. Scientist keep all other parameters controlled and constant. A
controlled experiment is when other one parameter is changed or manipulated at once.

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