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A Balancing robot:

Create a robot s.t.

1. Using arduino or similar microcontroller
2. Balances a metal ball on surface
3. Uses accelerometers, gyroscopes, and/or strain gages
4. Automatically attemps to right itself
5. Three points of control
Person ID by Audio:
Create a system s.t.
1. Actively listens for voices
2. Filters out different voices
3. Takes in initially ID of voices manually
4. Learns which voice belongs to who
5. Generates ID's of who comes in and goes
6. Use a microphone
7. Use a microcontroller.
Text When Enter:
Create a system s.t.
1.You recieve a text when a person enters a certain room.
2.Have door opening trigger response
3.texts to phone email about entry.
AM and FM Reciever
Create a system s.t.
1.Radio antenna that captures Radiosignals
2.Processes both am and fm
3.saves to WAV
4.Runs off microcontroller

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