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Quinn MacArthur

Analysis of Excisting Magazine Titles

This is an analysis of magazine titles which are currenly on the market.
Loud and quiet make their title very separate from the
image on the front of the magazine. The name loud and
quiet sounds as though it is for all types of people and
you will be able to relate to the magazine in some way.
The title is bold, capalitsed and black, which makes it
stand out to the audience. Making it separate to all of the
other items on the page mean that it is only the image
that changes. This adds continuity to the magazine and
this may be a reason why it is a popular magazine. This
is because people will always recognise the magazine,
even if they do not see the name.

i - D is a simple, yet effective title for the magazine. ID
makes you think of yourself and your personal identity.
This may make people feel as though this magazine can
relate to them and their personality. However, it can also
be interpreted as the magazine has its own identity and
is not like other magazines, which is baked up through
the fact the i is not capitalised but the D is. The text is
large and bold but is unable to run along the top due to
the shortness of the word. However, this does mean that
it is easier to work with when designing the issues.

Vibe is large, red, bold and running along the top of the
magazine. This makes it very noticeable to people and
means that they are able to notice it on a shelf. The word
vibe makes you think of music and the vibe in which is
creates, that being a different vibe for each genre. There
is also festival vibes that people may think of, reminding
them of good memories that may have, which they would
then associate with the magazine. This automatic link to
music means that, for people who do not know this is a
music magazine, they will know after reading the title.

Quinn MacArthur
The title of this magazine is long, meaning that if it
were all to be running along the top of the magazine,
it would make it smaller and thinner, resulting in it not
having much of an impact. To fix this problem, the
magazine has picked dazed to be the main word to
run across whilst & confused have been placed
vertically after thed. This means that Dazed is large
and it is the word that runs across the top of the page.
The title changes its colour based on the image that is
included on the page. That means for this page, the
best fit was a floral fill, which works well and fits in.
Dazed and confused is a well known magazine meaning they are able to cover
their title with an image if necessary.

NME stands for new musical express which is
written in a much smaller font underneath. This title
also changes colour depending on the magazine,
making the title fit in more with the magazine.
However, it also stays the same size and in the same
font, meaning that it stays recognisable. The
simplicity of the title does not take away its ability to
catch the attention of people, meaning that they will
always be drawn to the title. The abbreviation of the
name means that it is able to be placed in the left
hand corner and therefore easy to handle.

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