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By: Emily, Megan and






You dont know me, but you will. One day Ill be
a famous detective, but for now Ive got to
crack the cases of my small home town. On
the outside, it seems like a quiet town, but
theres darkness hiding here and its up to me
to expose it. My name is Edmond, and this new
case is the worst one yet.

Last week, around midnight, my friend Kenny Si was brutally murdered in

his own home. A quick scan of the crime scene lead me to believe that after
being hit in the head with a shovel, he was stabbed in the back, and left for
whoever may find him.

Through some investigation I have managed to narrow down the suspects.

Only three people were near the crime scene that night without a solid alibi.
I intend to find out who among them is the murderer, and put them away
for good.

The Suspects
Emily Culp

Megan Turingia

Summer Joseph

Suspect #1

Suspect #2

Suspect #3







Eye color:Brown

Eye color:Hazel



Eye color:Grey/Blue

I decided to ask their old coaches and teachers if they had any unique
skills that could have aided them in the crime. Megans martial arts and
dance skills could qualify her to be a stealthy killer, but Emilys soccer and
minor archery practice may have given her an edge as well.

Summers sports experience is very limited at best. After hours of

searching, I still had no results. Though Summer had never been on a
team, my sources tell me that shes quite strong, but is she strong
enough to knock out someone with a shovel? That still remains a

Next I went to find out their hobbies, and let me tell you, it was not worth my
time. I mostly just found that they like the Internet and reading. Summer also
likes Youtube, Tumblr, and watching anime, while Megans interests mostly
consist of the arts (Music, Acting, Dance) and writing. Emily also likes singing,
but thats about it.

After that VERY eventful investigation, I was starting to lose hope. None of those
searches were getting me anywhere, so I decided I needed to try a different approach. it
was boring, but pets were next on the list.
Emilys fish werent that interesting, even
if one was named Hank Stank Beautiful.
Fish dont really help with murder cases,
so I decided to investigate Megans pets
Rumor had it that Megan had a vicious attack dog, so I was quite surprised when a Shih
Tzu was all that I found, especially since its named Tippy. Vicious guard dog? Maybe if
you consider being licked to death vicious.
I still wasnt finding anything on Summer though. For an animal lover, she didnt have
many pets, or any for that matter. This investigation was going nowhere and I was
wasting my time.

I was having trouble finding a lead, so I decided to go back to the scene of the crime. Everything
looked the same as it did the night of the murder, thanks to the caution tape surrounding the area.
There wasnt much to see. It looked like a normal room besides the obvious red signs of murder on
the floor. I was looking around for something, anything, that would help me find the culprit, when I
spotted a small white object on the floor. A dog tooth, and a small one at that. After sealing away
my small prize, I went off in search of more evidence.
A multicoloured friendship bracelet was also present on the scene. Satisfied with my new evidence,
I left the scene of the crime to investigate once more.

Next, I would be investigating their favourite things, just to see if anything

could possibly lead to a hint in disguise. Or, if I was lucky, If one of them had
an interest in making friendship bracelets,.
I found out that Megans favourite colour is blue, she usually watches the
show Gravity Falls, and she likes Rock music. But one thing stood out..her
favorite subject is science. That could be useful in covering her tracks.
When I looked at Emilys files, I found nothing out of the ordinary except that
her and Megan watch the same show. Could they have plotted the murder
together?! Anyways, her favourite colour is purple, she likes Country music,
eats chocolate ice-cream, and has a collection of over 25 homemade
friendship bracelets. The bracelet information was definitely suspicious.
Summer seemed suspicious too though. Her favourite colour is black, she
watches the anime Soul Eater, and she listens to Screamo and anything else
of the sort.

After I found that bracelet lead, I decided to find out the family of my first
suspect, Emily. She lives with her mother since her parents are divorced, and
all three of her siblings live with their mother too. Emily is the oldest, but not
by much. She has a twin sister named Lauren who is less than an hour
younger than her. Her brother Travis is the middle child at 10 years old, and
the youngest, Claire, is only 7.

Unfortunately, no pictures were available, so I just had to trust my sources. I

really didnt think that this information would help me much either, but at
least it was something. My notebook was really starting to fill up, so after a
quick trip to the dollar store, I was off to investigate the Family of Megan

Megans family was much smaller. Shes an only child, and her parents are
together. Looks like both of them are clean too, no past offences. At least
crime didnt run in the family. But no siblings meant no one other than the
parents to interview, and we all know how open kids are with their parents.
Looks like Megans family didnt get me anywhere either. Another dry lead,
more of my time wasted. It was time to look into Summers family.

Ive found some problems while researching Summers family, though. She has
eight siblings in total, and theyre all younger than her. Four sisters, three
brothers and one stepbrother. Her mother seems to be single but not all the
kids are hers, so I figured out that Summer has a stepmom also. Her family
doesnt seem to have any experience in prison, but I've heard many, many,

I decided next, to find out if any of them travel often. If they do then they
could of met someone who helped them out or even planned the murder with
them. Emily has been to the U.S. a few times around Rochester but thats all.
She didnt seem to travel very much.

Summer also didnt look like she traveled much, as the records had said shed
never left Ontario...only traveling in places like Toronto, Kitchener and London
whereas Megan was a whole nother story. She had lived in BC until she was
eleven and drove cross-country on her move to Ontario. She had even visited
New York on the last summer vacation. If any of them had met an
accomplice, it would have been her.

Nothing was making sense! I was going in circles! I decided to review my notes
once more. Flipping through my notebook, I noticed a couple pages stuck together.
After pulling them apart I stared at the forgotten chart.

-Boring Things
-Serious People
-Romance movies

-Rap Music
-Black Licorice

-People who hate on
her music

Pumpkin. That seemed so familiar. I thought nothing of it, but I decided to

go back to the scene of the crime one last time. I was just about ready to
give up on this case, but I was going to try once more before throwing in
the towel.

As I walked into Kennys house for what seemed like the hundredth time that week, I noticed a faint
smell. Something different. I looked over everything just as I had been doing for hours at a time.. With
extreme care I turned over chairs and tables, pulled books off of shelves, and even pulled all the sheets
off the beds. Nothing.

Nothing, except that faint smell. It had been there before, but I never noticed it. Taking a long breath of
the unidentifiable aroma, I set off to find the source of my distraction. The scent led me to the room
where the murder took place. A quick scan of the room led me to believe that nothing was out of the
ordinary, and I was hallucinating, but then I saw it. A stain on the carpet that wasnt the crimson colour
of death. It was definitely a fluid stain, but it smelled kind of vegetable - like. I bent down to look at my
aromatic find, and I saw small shards of glass around it. A glass object and a strong smelling fluid. My
bets on perfume. The culprit probably dropped and broke the perfume bottle, but left some of the glass
shards as she made a hasty retreat into the night.
As I was walking home, I tried to focus on the investigation, but my mind kept wandering. I was getting
really hungry. my mind drifted farther away and my thoughts became a jumble of chicken and pumpkin.
Pumpkin. The perfume. I knew that I recognized the smell! I started walking faster. This clue could crack
this case wide open, and I wasnt wasting another second.

It was late that night, and I was so close to finding the culprit. I made a list of
clues to help me sort out my thoughts since the coffee obviously wasnt helping.

Dog tooth
Friendship Bracelet
Pumpkin Perfume

Other than physical evidence, I had some info from my investigations.


Emilys Soccer Experience

Megans Martial arts Experience
Summers Strength

Now to figure out the killer.

I found out who did it! The dog tooth kind of threw me off, but all signs
pointed to Summer. The only one who could stand the smell of pumpkin was
Her strength and mysterious lack of information led me to believe that she
was the culprit, though I had to be sure. After a bit of digging I found that
she and Emily were friends, so the bracelet must have been a gift. Though
she was friends with Megan, she planted the dog tooth to take the blame
off of herself.
Summers motive was still unclear, so I decided to interview the suspect
herself. Wish me luck.

I dont really want to explain the whole conversation. Most of it was just polite small
talk. Im just going to show you the important part.
Edmond: So Summer, have you heard about the murder of Kenny
Summer: Of course! Who hasnt?
Edmond: Well then you should know how he died.
Summer: Get to the point. You want to know if I did it.
Edmond: Actually yes.
Summer: Well it wasnt me, so you can just leave.
Edmond: Then how do you explain the student ID card I found
with your name on it?
Summer: Oh my gosh! I cant believe I dropped it!
Edmond: You didnt ... but what you did do was tell me that
Summer: Well, this is fabulous.
Edmond: Yes, yes it is. but one more question. Whyd you do
Summer: I think the real question is: Why wouldnt I?


at the scene of the crime

you did the crime.


Well, thats one more case wrapped up. After a quick call to the police station, Summer
was taken away, hopefully to prison. Another mystery solved, and another source of evil
locked away. Thats it for this case, but now its time to move on to the next mystery.
Ill see you around.


Even though you had no choice.

...No Kennys were

harmed in the
making of this

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