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December 26, 2014

To Whom It May Concern:

It is my extreme honor to provide an enthusiastic recommendation for Kristen Verner. The
capacity in which I first knew Kristen was that of a working artist; however, over the years, I
have seen her work tirelessly to learnand successfully implementthe pedagogical skills and
management strategies that allow students to thrive in her classroom.
Kristen is highly gifted as both artist and teacher. As an artist, she develops creative student
projects and brings in examples of her own artwork and the works of other artists to inspire her
students. She is also able to constructively analyze student work against the required elements of
the medium being studied, and provides practical feedback and praise.
I attended an art exhibition that Mrs. Verner coordinated for her studentsanother bright idea of
hers, as it was the schools inaugural student art exhibitionand witnessed firsthand how
contagious her love for art really is. She helps each and every one of her students believe they
are artists in their own right. For illustration: I read artist statements that eveningyes; the
students wrote artists statements!that rival those Ive seen while working in professional art
museums and galleries. The pride in the eyes of these burgeoning artists and their families
whom, it is important to note, rarely show up at school functionsis something I will never
Teaching how to draw, paint, and sculpt is just a part of the work Mrs. Verner tackles on a daily
basis. In a building with almost 100% Free and Reduced Lunch, Mrs. Verner is concerned with
showing the children of this impoverished demographic, that they are worthy of love and respect.
She teaches them that they are Super Heroes and have the ability to change the world. She gives
them a voicea voice I would say they desperately needthrough the art they create.
Mrs. Verner is an authentic, talented educator that brings wisdom, energy and mostly enthusiasm
to any art program. But it doesnt feel right to reduce Kristen to a simple list of positive
adjectivesshe is an amazing human being and I am fortunate enough to consider her a friend.
Kristen would be a tremendous asset to your school system.

Rebecca Levy
Scholarship Administration Officer, Daniels Fund
(720) 941-4499

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