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High Aspirations

Written By
Mark Stamp

Version One

Phone Number

Sounds of a jet plane and girl laughing in the background
Photographs fade in and out showing battered marionette with
Establishing view of the cabin of the private jet
View moves though the cabin and focuses on an overhead
Plane encounters turbulence which forces open the overhead
Balloon floats out and another jolt throws marionette out.
The crossbar catches on the overhead compartment's door and
the marionette hangs.
Marionette looks up to see balloon and tries to reach for
it, expresses sadness as it is out of reach.
Marionette swings to try and reach the balloon again It
still fails after two attempts.
Another jolt dislodges the marionette and it falls to the
floor, the balloon floats away and the marionette chases it
down the cabin.
Near the door to the cockpit the crossbar catches on an
armrest and yanks the marionette back. It strains to reach
the baloon again.
The marionette looks back to see the crossbar is caught and
tugs it's strings in an attempt to dislodge the crossbar.
It tries two tugs a different way which snaps one of the
strings and pulls the crossbar forward.
With relief the marionette jumps onto the seats to try and
reach the balloon again. The balloon floats away slightly
and the marionette falls off the seat to see the baloon
floating closer to the emergency exit.
Marionette jumps around to get closer and reaches the
balloon. There is a tense moment as the baloon just comes
into reach.
Marionette finally grabs the baloon and falls off the seat
again with the baloon string firmly in hand.
When it stands up, Cathy's voice is heard incoherently from

deeper inside the plane.

Marionette panics and sees it is in front of the emergency
exit. It jumps up with the balloon in hand and strains to
open the door.
With a click the emergency exit flies open with a roar of
air and the marionette flies out, the crossbar catches on
the latch leaving the marionette to hand horizontally out of
the plane.
The strings snap one by one and the marionette flies
backwards away from the plane.
Fade to black as the marionette floats down and out of view.

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