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The Meaning of Meaning

Misunderstanding from the cause of language happens on a daily

basis. Language can be received in several different forms. Which are a
reasons why people can receive a different message from what you
were attending to send. There may also be some distractions that
could prevent you from hear or seeing the message that is being sent.
To prevent misunderstandings you need ask further question on what
you have to encode. Second take way the entire nose away. The
Environmental, Physiological, and Philological need to be in control.
(Adler, Elmhorst, &Lucas, P.11).
In my personal life, I have had many different situations where I
have misunderstood what someone was trying to tell me. One
experience was when my dad asked me to deliver furniture for his job.
He had asked me just as I had woken up and my alarm was going off in
the background. What I had heard my dad say was, Hey Sean, would
you be willing to deliver a desk to a building downtown. I thought
about it and I realized that it would only take me an hour. When I
picked up the delivery truck and got to the destination. Then I found
out that it was not just one desk it was fifteen desks that I have to
assemble and place in the building. I was extremely frustrated with my
dad, I thought that he had lied on what I was actually delivering . In
reality, the environmental, and physiological nose had distracted me
on what my dad had really said. (Adler, Elmhorst, &Lucas, P.11).

We could have prevented this situation from happening. On my

dads side, he could have waited on asking me until, I was fully awake
and there was not an alarm going off in the background. On my part I
could have asked questions and realized that there are two types of
nose that is distraction the message. We were able to resolve the
situation by being honest. I had told him that I had heard this and I just
want to clarify that there was a misunderstanding and next time well
have to make sure we are on the same page.
My knowledge of symbolic nature communication can help me in
my life because I know that there are different meanings to words or
gestures. (Adler, Elmhorst, &Lucas,) I cant jump into conclusions from
what others may say or their body language gives off. That will change
the way I feel about people first impressions and not take offence on
something that was not even suppose to offend me.

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