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Sean Speirs

Mrs. Hatch
Assignment 5 Cooperation V.S. Competition
Is competition over-emphasized in American Society? Why? What are the
advantages of such a competitive attitude? What are the disadvantages?

Competition is extremely over-emphasized in American Society.

Americans have a huge entertainment that is based on competition.
For example, Professional sports teams, singing competition T.V. shows,
and many more that is based on competition. People in American enjoy
watching others compete in different activities. There are many
advantages and disadvantages from competitions. The advantages of
competition are it makes resilient kids, kids learn to work together, and
they know that they dont always win in life. (Berger, 2014, p.111)
Some disadvantages are the kids may lose some self-confidence; they
could get full of them selves.
Identify situations that you have observed in which competition has actually
interfered with people achieving a goal. Is competition emphasized in children?
What recommendations would you make to parents regarding their child's
participation in soccer, baseball, etc.?

A situation that competition would interfere a goal would be

during sports. You could have a goal to win State for soccer but, there
is competition to achieve that goal. I would say that competition is
emphasized in children. Kids play in sports. Sports are a main way kids
get involved in competition. I would strongly recommend your child to
play a sport. It doesnt really matter what sport you play. It teaches you

Sean Speirs
Mrs. Hatch
a lot. It shows the kid that you will lose some but you will also win
some. It brings competition in there life at a early age. That is a great
thing for a kid because completion is an over-emphasized trait in
todays society. In my life sports have helped me in learn life lessons.

Berger, K. S. (2014). Invitation to the life span (2nd ed.). New York, NY: Worth

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