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Kevin Kim

Mrs. Garmon
Creative Writing 3rd Hour
17 September 2014
Ode to Keys
I.S.O. Gary Sotos Ode to La Pinata
The keys sway
In my pocket
In the wind
This metal twig
Lined with
Grooves, this
Key I need
Attached to a
Lanyard is hanging
Out of the socket.
I lost it.
I looked in my room.
I feel doomed.
If something shiny shows
My heart skips. I am
Going to find it
At all costs. I need it
To unlock my house,

To get my mail, and

To get into my car.
Others help me look
Including my
Brother, mother, and
father, everyone
We turn
Up the entire house.
Today is my lucky day.
It was in the hold
Of my bold cats.
They like to play with my
Lanyard because of the
Strand. I am
Just relieved to have my
Shiny, valuable, precious

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