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I teach everything from Leonardo, almost all of his techniques, its his

theories and concepts that I teach such as atmospheric perspective, golden

mean, human anatomy, and spatial concepts including foreground, middle
ground, and background.
I was intrinsically motivated to be an artist. Leonardo concepts fine-tuned
my techniques.
My favorite painting is Madonna on the Rocks, a painting using Leonardos
legendary sfumata which is applying paint to make it look smoky and tender,
to soften the shadows and highlights.
Leonardo stands out from the other artists as the apex of combining all
disciplines including science, math language, history, and all this without
going to school. His success was that he saw the interconnection of math,
science, and language to make something like Madonna on the Rocks.
Every university, artists, and breaths I teach, Im teaching Leonardo da
Vincis concepts in some shape or form. Instead of nowadays where all
students do is following the teacher to get an A, Leonardo used his own
observations to become successful. Whats worrying is that the public school
districts are moving away from learning from observations, and we might not
see another Leonardo.
Leonardo da Vinci embodies what man needs to do to become a genius.
Although he had great accomplishment in his concepts and inventions, the
greater accomplishment he had was the process of observations that got him
there to the final product. He saw beauty in everything and order in our

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