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Reading Journal
Book Title:____________________________________Book Author:________________________________


You will create a journal for your AR book. All journal entries will include the date of the entry, a
thought/quote/idea from the passage that provoked your thoughts, the page number it correlates to in the
book, and your thoughts/connections to the book. You may also use unknown words as entries, but may
use no more than 5.
You must have at least 1 journal entry for each reading day we have in class.
You must have at least 15 total entries for your AR book.
IF on an in-class reading day, you are done with your book, and working on your AR project, you may
write working on AR Project and you MUST get your teachers approval and initials
This journal must be submitted with your AR project, if not before.
A sample entry from Divergent by Veronica Roth is included below, with other ideas and hints.
Page # Thought, Quote, Idea, Unknown Word (in
Your Thoughts, Connections, the Words
sentenceunderline the word) from the
Today is the day the aptitude test will show me That reminds me of The Giver because
which of the 5 factions I belong inat the
Jonas had to go to a ceremony where all the
choosing ceremony I will decide
12s were given a job. Its different though
because Beatrice is 16, not 12, and she gets
to choose a faction, rather than getting a job
assigned to her.
What you can put in this column:
your opinions
what it reminds you of, i.e.: other
books, movies, something on TV, an
event or conversation in your life, a
game, a song, etc.
the definition of an unknown word,
and the word used in another
sentence, correctly

Date Page # Thought, Quote, Idea, Unknown Word (in
Your Thoughts, Connections, the Words
sentenceunderline the word) from the


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