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Nicolas Sidebottom

Period 2
The Preamble

Our debt to the heroic men and valiant women in the service of our country can never be
repaid, they have earned our gratitude. America will never forget their sacrifices- President
Harry Struman. This quote thanks veterans who served in WWII, and also thanks those who
died during the war. The ideals of Americas Preamble, and Constitution shone through the
years of World War Two, when America provided for the general welfare, ensured the blessings
of liberty around the world, and established justice, by bringing the Nazis to justice.

The Overall Purpose of the Preamble

The overall purpose of the Preamble is mainly to point out the main ideas of the Constitution.
The whole point of pointing out the main ideas of the Constitution is to allow people to know
what the Constitution is saying without having to read the whole document. The preamble is
also there, so it is easy for citizens of the United States to know what the government is
promising. It also states the purposes, and goals of the Constitution. Another thing that the
preamble does is justify the government and lay down its principles.

What does the Preamble Mean

The Preamble is a very important, very long sentence, so you should know what it means. The
first line, We the people of the United states, means every citizen in the United States. The next
line, In order to form a more perfect union, is to create a government that is perfect, and fair to
everybody. The third line says establish


justice, and this elaborates the idea to have justice for all. Insure domestic tranquility, and

Nicolas Sidebottom
Period 2
provide for the common defense work together, and they mean to defend the nation. Provide for
the common defense are threats from outside the country, while insuring domestic tranquility
leans more towards disputes inside the nation. Promoting the general welfare is the idea that
the government should try to make the public happy, and make sure that they have everything
that citizens need. The phrase and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our
posterity expresses that liberty should not only be for one generation, but that it should be
passed down to every generation until the end of the Constitution.
The Preamble Still Keeps Things In Order

The Preamble still affects us substantially today. According to The Race to Bring Nazis to
Justice from The BBC website, America is still showing the idea of establishing justice. This is
shown, when the article states that for the whole time after WWII the United States has been the
leading country in Nazi war criminal convictions. The article also further proves this when it is
elaborated upon that the United States has incriminated, and or deported some of the worst war
criminals to be found in the world. The subject of hunting Nazis has been revisited in the eyes of
the public when the most recent criminal convicted, Josias Kumpf who is 83 was extradited,
because he had been the leader of the Tawniki camp in Poland where he allegedly took part in
the extermination of 8,000 Jews. The removal of Josias Kumpf to Austria has achieved a
significant measure of justice on behalf of the victims of Nazi inhumanity, and it reflects the
unwavering commitment of the United states government in continuing that quest for justice-Eli
Rosenbaum stated. This quote means that because the

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US convicted such an important criminal it establishes justice for the victims of the Nazis during
WWII, and this shows how committed the US is to establishing justice.

Nicolas Sidebottom
Period 2
Another thing that the US did that reflects the Preamble, is that the US promotes the
general welfare. This is demonstrated when you see the article Aid and Attendance for
veterans. The article affirms that The SVCA helps veterans learn what benefits they can have.
Veterans are also allowed pensions, and financial compensation for any losses during a war.
This is commonly known as aid and attendance, and it extends to relatives and family of the
veteran. There is also no fee for a veteran claiming their benefits.
A third thing the US government did during WWII was insure domestic tranquility. This is
demonstrated in the article FDR reacts to news of Pearl Harbor Bombing from In
this article president Roosevelt kept the public calm, and spoke with many advisors. After he
had spoken with many leaders around the world he spoke to the people of his own country,
keeping the public from overreacting and causing riots. He told the citizens of the US that
America would be entering war to bring justice to the families of the men and women that had
died on that fateful day. The demeanor of our president, and the ability of our government to
keep the public calm is a massive example of how our government still insures domestic
tranquility to this day.

These facts prove that during and after WWII the government has held the Preamble close to
its heart. The acts of bringing Nazis to justice, helping veterans, and keeping the country calm
in a time of crisis demonstrates this. The Preamble is truly a great blessing to this country.
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Nicolas Sidebottom
Period 2

Image of a German regiment during World War Two.

Image of Franklin D. Roosevelt. This was the president in office during World War 2.
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Nicolas Sidebottom
Period 2

1. BBC News. BBC, 23 Mar. 2009. Web. 05 Nov. 2014.

BBC News. BBC, 23 Mar. 2009. Web. 05 Nov. 2014.

"FDR Reacts to News of Pearl Harbor Bombing." A&E Television Networks.
Web. 05 Nov. 2014. <>.

3.. "Book: How to Apply for Dept. of Veterans Affairs Benefits for Senior Veterans and Their
Survivors." Aid and Attendance For Veterans. N.p., n.d. Web. 05 Nov. 2014.

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