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Luis De Araujo

1. I am a restaurant owner
2. I order things for the restaurant and I serve food and I sometimes go
out to buy supplies.
3. I work at churascaria paladar. No its 5 minutes from my house. You can
live anywhere to open up a restaurant.
4. I worked as a bar tender for 30 years and I knew how to run a business
so I opened my own. I never planned for it I just did it one day.
5. I didnt go to college it was mostly on the job training or learning on
your own, my training is 30 years of work at restaurants.
6. I love being my own boss and being able to make customers happy.
7. There are long hours and it putts allot of stress on you if your not
making enough money.
8. I only recommend it if you manage to make allot of money if you go in
with no backup plan youre not going to be ok in the long run.
9. I would say growing people love to eat and someone is always hungry.
10.I opened up about 2 and a half years ago.

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