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Sam IELTS Progress Lesson 13.1.


Lesson 2:
Expression and Pronunciation
Objective: Cambridge IELTS 6 +
Lesson Aim: Practice Using Standard Phrases to Form an

Signifying that you are being rational is an important part of the process of
making an argument.

Professional Application: Discuss Your Previous Experience

Let's try to apply these principles to an interview situation. Imagine that you are
facing an interview for your dream company. There are ten candidates and only one

Instructor's notes:

Don't wait for somebody to disagree with you anticipate their objection
Practice constructing an argument and anticipate objections

Let's practice anticipating objections..

Sam IELTS Progress Lesson 13.1.2015

Sam, given your clear abilities in Economics. Lets demonstrate that in an interview.
Why would they not give you a role? How to show them you are you an excellent

Instructor's notes: I want to turn 'No's' into 'Yes'! and hear you avoid
objections before they form in people's minds.
Please make a brief sound file. I will be listening to how you make a case for
yourself and how you give reasons for the interviewer to say 'yes'.

You are now building an argument using examples. You are also forming
good habits ready for IELTS and interview type questions.

Formal English in Your Answer

Instructor's notes: Now we've practiced using a professional context, we're

going to look at other ways for the IELTS

Since we are looking at practical ways to construct arguments, this is a great

opportunity for you to practice giving evidence and constructing arguments.
Interviewers and IELTS examiners both love this. I've noted some
statements below for your reference.

Women are faster/slower than
men at certain precision
manual tasks, such as ..

Women tend to perform

better/worse than men on
tests of perceptual speed.
Further, men are more/less

Such as chopping
vegetables. This is
clear from my
observation men take
a long time to do this
whereas women can
quickly prepare a
home-cooked meal.

Sam IELTS Progress Lesson 13.1.2015

accurate in tests of targetdirected motor skills.
Women are more/less likely
than men to suffer aphasia
when the front part of the
brain is damaged.
Adolescents are less likely to
be put to sleep by alcohol than
Women tend to have
greater/less verbal fluency
than men.

On the contrary; As a matter

of fact; In fact; Indeed.

Please use the statements above to practice making arguments. You can use
the field 'Evidence' above to write down your arguments. Don't think too
much just give brief evidence.
When you have finished these, try with the IELTS sample questions given
below. Do 2 Speaking and 3 Writing.

Why do you think certain TV shows are so popular?

What are some advantages of television?

How has tourism changed your country?

Is it easy to travel around your country?

Do you think adults should play games?

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