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In this essay I will discuss Loebs reflection on Rosa Parks for an example of individual

versus collective efforts to promote social change. Subsequently, I will review Youth,
Identity, and Power, an article written by Carlos Munoz Jr., about the Chicano Student ,
which lead to the Chicano Power Movement of the 1960s. I will compare and analyze
both movements, what did the collective accomplished and it what ways group
involvement caused these movements to be sustainable.
Rosa Parks earned the title of mother of the civil rights movement when she refused to
give up her bus seat to a white man. However, this was not the first act of social
movement Parks had, since she was involved with her local NAACP for twelve years.
While enrolled in other activist groups, Parks learned about another bus boycott that had
great success two years prior to her bus boycott. At first sight, everybody would agree
Rosa Parks was the first woman taking a first step to fight discrimination against African
Americans but Loeb states Parks decision didnt come out of nowhere. Nor did she
shingle-handedly give birth to the civil rights movement. Rather, she was part of a
longstanding effort to create change. (Loeb, 2010, p.2).

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