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Programming in C

Discuss the C program structure

Apply the rules for writing C program
Discuss the need of variables and constants
List the different data types- int, char, float and double
Use arithmetic operators
Explain Assignment Operators
Define and Lists Relational Operators
Define and Lists Logical Operators
Use Ternary Operator
Use if-else-if statement
Discuss switch statement
List the various iteration constructs in C
Demonstrate the nested loops
Discuss array handling in C
Apply pointers in C
Define and use a function
List the storage classes in C
Apply pointers to strings
Implement string Input/Output Operations
List the string functions
List the uses of structures in C


object-oriented approach and compares the benefits and drawback between

Object Oriented Programming and the traditional approach. The session also
discusses the concept of classes and objects along with encapsulation,
abstraction, inheritance and polymorphism.
identifiers, variables, operators, the order of evaluation type casting and
short hand operators.
Selection constructs, looping constructs and simple control statement
functions, pointers and arrays
Function and operator overloading
Implementation of Inheritance through the use of constructors and
destructors, and the call to the member functions from the derived classes
Multiple inheritance, polymorphism and virtual functions. Dynamic and static
data structures and exception handling

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