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-PPM Business School , Jakarta

-Prep time: 20 days
-1 month to write the WAC (15 pages)
-opens around June next year
-3 members per group (only 1 group to represent AIM)

2) NUS Cerebrations
-NUS, Singapore
-opens September (either this year or next year)
-prep time: 8-10 days
-2-3 members per group

3) Google Online Marketing Challenge

-Singapore, S-Frisco
-opens April to June
-prep time :60 days
-pick a current company w/c has not used google. Come up with strategy of
advertising for the company and generate reports about it
-winner goes to Singapore
-3-6 members per team
-tip: search for a company who wouldnt typically advertise via google (the weirder
the company, the more it attracts the judges)
-register online right away and take the course; subscribe and follow it in google+
-audacity marketing course, corsera marketing course

4) Asia Venture Challenge

-all expense paid trip if selected

-winner: Silicon Valley will give seed money to start your venture in US
-deadline is in Dec

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