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Network Scenario Sheet


Add six computers.


Using the update button What is required to share files and install
software easily?
A file server is required to share files and install software.


Add a file server and a hub.

Connect all computers to the hub and the hub to the file server using
cat 5
Using the
piece of
is missing
which is
allowing access to the Internet?
You need the router to be able to access the internet.

Install a router with cat 5 cable


Install an ISDN line from the router to the Internet.


Add an additional nine more computers to the network.


Chchangechange the properties of all the computers on the network to

Internet browsing Press Update.

10. Install a laser printer to the hub.

11. Using the update button What piece of hardware is missing that

A multimedia server would allow the sharing of multimedia


will allow the sharing of multimedia software?

12. Install a multimedia server using a cat 5 cable.

13. Change the properties of all computers so that they are now running
multimedia applications Press Update.

14. What network device should replace the hub and why?
A switch will replace a hub
15. Install a switch and connect it to all servers with cat 5 cable.

16. Install another 15 computers.

17. Add another switch and connect this to the existing switch - Press

18. All computers should be running Multimedia applications. What device

could be installed to help printing demands?
A print server could be used to help with printing demands
19. Install a printer server using cat 5 cable.
20. What device could be installed to manage all backups of the network?

tape drive could be used to manage backups

21. Add a tape drive. What type of cable is used to install a tape drive?
A SCSI is a cable to install a tape drive

22. You have successfully created a network. Click on the get feedback
button to see what you could have improved.
1) Increased the network interface card (NIC) speed of the computers
2) Increased the network interface card (NIC) speed of the switch

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